Drone Operations in Hamburg Advance with Opening of DronePort

New Facility Enhances Unmanned Aviation and Mobile Sensor Technology in Europe

The opening of dronePORT Hamburg is a milestone for unmanned aviation and mobile sensor technology in Europe. This state-of-the-art facility, initiated by the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), the Hamburg Police, and Hamburg Aviation, is a first of its kind in Europe, aiming to revolutionize drone operations in the region.

HHLA Sky, a subsidiary of Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA), played a pivotal role in the launch by presenting its advanced solutions for efficient drone operations. The company’s Integrated Control Center stands out as a cornerstone of this initiative, providing the technology needed for automated drone control and fleet management.

drone operations Hamburg, HHLA Sky

“Automation is the key to efficient drone operations: HHLA Sky’s Integrated Control Center makes flights beyond visual range possible and drone operations scalable – safe and cybersecure. We are delighted to be part of dronePORT with this technology and to offer our services here,” stated Mathias Gronstedt, Managing Director of HHLA Sky.

The Integrated Control Center is designed to handle highly automated processes, enabling drone flights over long distances and without visual contact with the pilot, known as Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS). This capability is crucial for inspecting infrastructure such as bridges, roads, and large areas. Operators in the control center can monitor and control multiple drone flights simultaneously, with the system capable of managing over 100 BVLOS-automated drone flights at once.

In addition to HHLA Sky, several other partners showcased their innovative projects at the dronePORT opening. These included the Hamburg’s State Agency for Roads, Bridges, and Waterways (LSBG), Beagle Systems, Flynex, ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW Hamburg), and EmQopter, featuring initiatives like CITYAM and BLU-Space.

For more information, please visit the official website of HHLA Sky.

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